Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

= Contemporary Foreseen- Paintings

Contemporary Foreseen- Paintings

Start Time:
Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 7:30pm
End Time:
Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 10:00pm
jl. Gaharu 1/6-Cipete
Jakarta, Indonesia

Metaphysical Art, and today is the contemporary enlightenment art is using the power of love, which is natural and in harmony with nature, produce pure energy that drives the infinite subconscious to the surface, enlights by the Platonic IDEA can produce great foreseen-art!

Bambang Utoyo Suharto (Universitas Indonesia) wrote
at 11:43pm on March 7th, 2010
"lukisan,musik,tari,puisi,sendi nya sama mas b.. saya bukan ahli ngeliat lukisan..tapi energi,nurani dan jiwa saya bisa ngeliat dgn mata telanjang..saya ga bisa disuruh muji mas..itu lukisan mas br saya buka hari ini di screen besar pc..setiap goresan warna dan alur itu jiwa,nurani yg bekerja..dan itu MAGNIFICENT ! (secara kita cmn bisa gambar puhun klapa,sawah,ma gunung segitiga dr jmn tk mas..itu juga wesss mencong semua...;/ waksss"........anonymous.

Bambang Utoyo Suharto (Universitas Indonesia) wrote
at 11:40pm on March 7th, 2010
"Magnificent freespirit , natural , original .. no nonsense soul ! that's your art/painting work .
happy monday :)"...... anonymous

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